Spinning Side Kick
A hard-knuckled look at the other half
These lively poems mix a girl-about-town cockiness with an all-too-rare emotional honesty about men, love, and relationships. Whether the subject is a one-man chimney demolition, the lifelong fidelity of seahorses, a lover at war in Afghanistan, or a kickboxing match, Lahey confronts the enduring disconnect between the sexes in a language that is slangy and quick, punctuated with jabs. She eyes those moments—in a day, in a life—when the normal clues we rely on disappear, shifting the line between domesticity and danger. In Spinning Side Kick, a talented poet returns with sharper aim.
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Excerpts from the book
Time and Place
Has to do with home and connection and distance—and the aftermath of collective tragedy.
Ziplock Baggie of Seahorse Specimens
Part of a longer sequence called ‘Care Package for a Combat Engineer’, and appeared in Best Canadian Poetry in English 2012.